HARRISBURG – Sen. Michele Brooks (R-50) today announced more than $6.8 million in state funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) has been awarded to replace the wastewater treatment plant to service Jackson Center Borough, Mercer County.
The funding will be used for the construction of a 98,000-gallon-per-day wastewater treatment plant along Bradley Road (state Route 2018) in Jackson Township. The $6.8 million in funding is comprised of a $4.8 million grant and $2 million low-interest loan.
“As former council member, I understand the need for these funds locally and will continue to be a strong advocate for projects like this. These PENNVEST funds will allow the Borough of Jackson Center to address much-needed capacity issues and improve water quality for area residents,” Brooks said. “Without this partnership between the borough and the state, a project this size would put enormous financial strain on the borough and the users who rely on this treatment system.”
The current wastewater treatment plant has experienced increased mechanical and structural deterioration, requiring frequent costly repairs. Industrial growth within the service area has resulted in additional treatment needs that are reaching the limit of the current plant’s ability to process. The plant also currently lacks an emergency backup power source.
Funding for the project is being provided through PENNVEST, an independent state agency that provides financial assistance for sewer, storm water and drinking water projects in communities across the commonwealth.
CONTACT: Adam Gingrich, 717-787-1322